It was late (11:35 PM is late to an old guy like me) so I Just thought I’d scribble down a short post to all of my fellow Mariposa Folk Festival regulars and not so regulars and who knows maybe your new to the festival this year, and if you are then Welcome!!! This will also go out to lovers of Roots music, and music in general that just hits ya where you live, wether it’s the Big City or a Small Town. According to the Mariposa Folk Festival website , Radio Station Sunshine 89.1 FM that broadcasts out of Orillia will be running a weekly radio show called “Mariposa Music” the show will include “Music, interviews & information not just about the Mariposa Folk Festival, but also about roots music new and old” , the show will be hosted by Sandi Bisset. The show will run Sunday evenings 7-11 p.m. (Repeats Thursdays 7-11 p.m.).
If you are not in the Orillia area you can stream it on-line, here’s a link to their site:
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
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